Women Over 50: Ready to Take a Big Swing?

Women Over 50: Ready to Take a Big Swing?

“You can’t hit a home run without a big swing”—so says one of my gurus, the inside of a dark chocolate Dove Promises candy wrapper. Since I see the insides of a lot of these wrappers, I see many sayings. But this one really stood out for me.  What Does Taking A Big...
Women Over 50: What Does Awe Mean to You?

Women Over 50: What Does Awe Mean to You?

What was the first thing you thought of when you read the title of this post? A magnificent scene in nature? Beautiful music? A newborn baby? These are some common responses I hear when I ask people what awe means to them. In the book Awe: The New Science of Everyday...
Women Over 50: Taking Responsibility?

Women Over 50: Taking Responsibility?

As you begin the new year, what do you intend to take responsibility for? This question probably applies to many things you do without thinking about them. For example, if you have children, you take responsibility for their well-being. You likely have many other...
Women Over 50: What’s Your Intention for Next Year?

Women Over 50: What’s Your Intention for Next Year?

As we roll over from 2024 to 2025, let’s think together about these questions: What do I want to make sure I continue in 2025? What do I want to make sure I discontinue in 2025? These questions don’t refer only to things we do. They also may be things we think or feel...
Women Over 50: Are You Centered in Life?

Women Over 50: Are You Centered in Life?

I recently heard Emily Klor, a COO at Allstate Insurance Company, where she drew a distinction between living a balanced life and being centered in life. I found this fascinating because for several years I’ve thought that balance just isn’t possible for many women I...