Women Over 55: Welcome to 2021!

Women Over 55: Welcome to 2021!

How many people have you heard say something like: “Oh, thank goodness!  2020 is over!”  Or “I can’t wait for 2021 to begin!“ I’ve heard some version of that many, many times, and I’m sure you have, too.  Well, I for one, am not willing...
Don’t Let COVID-19 Sideline Your Career

Don’t Let COVID-19 Sideline Your Career

This headline in the June 8th issue of the National Law Review caught my eye: “Older Female Employees Face a Double Whammy During COVID-19 Turmoil.”  The author Eric Bachman said, “Between March and April the unemployment rate for women age 55 and over catapulted from...
Women Over 55, It’s Time to Toot Your Own Horn. . .Loudly!

Women Over 55, It’s Time to Toot Your Own Horn. . .Loudly!

Women Over 55, It’s Time to Toot Your Own Horn. . .Loudly! That is surely not how I was taught, though! How many times growing up were you told “don’t brag,”? Or whatever the words used by the adults in the home where you grew up.  I know I was told that over and...