Women Over 55: What Does Trust Mean to You?

Women Over 55: What Does Trust Mean to You?

Are you trustworthy? Do you have friends and family who are? Professional colleagues? People who provide services for you? And what does it mean to trust someone? Are there different kinds or degrees of trust? For example, I know someone I can count on to not do what...
Women Over 55: What Would It Mean to Practice Right Speech?

Women Over 55: What Would It Mean to Practice Right Speech?

Traveling solo gives you endless opportunities to people-watch. I recently took a trip by myself, and I became fascinated with the nature of conversation among groups of people. At lunch one day, two couples were at the table next to me. There was enough space between...
Women Over 55: Who Knows You?

Women Over 55: Who Knows You?

I was struck last week by a headline on an online post that said, “I know you!” It was encouraging people to post frequently on social media—through that company, of course—so others would feel like they know you. And I thought, “Oh, really?” Who Knows You? And then I...
Women Over 55: What Are Your Important Buckets?

Women Over 55: What Are Your Important Buckets?

In a recent podcast, I interviewed a friend and former work colleague whom I hadn’t talked to in many years. It was so much fun seeing her again! She had a long and successful career at the company where we both worked and now is retired. I was eager to talk to her...
Women Over 55: How Do You Feel About Change

Women Over 55: How Do You Feel About Change

Do you think change is hard? We often hear people say that it is, or that they don’t like change, or that change takes a long time. What do you think? Alexandria Agresta, a dynamic speaker and speaking coach, says in her TEDx talk that “things don’t take time, they...