“You can’t hit a home run without a big swing”—so says one of my gurus, the inside of a dark chocolate Dove Promises candy wrapper. Since I see the insides of a lot of these wrappers, I see many sayings. But this one really stood out for me.
What Does Taking A Big Swing Mean To You?
For me it means that if there’s something I want to impact in a big way, I both need to take significant action (which may or may not be scary to contemplate doing) and to make sure I’m ready to do whatever I have in mind—just as a batter has trained; knows his or her skills; understands what kind of pitch is most likely to turn into a home run; and, when that pitch comes, takes a big swing. Is there a guarantee of success? Of course not. The only guarantee is that if the batter doesn’t take a swing, there won’t be a home run.
So, what’s important to you? With so much happening so quickly in our society right now, much of it confusing and unprecedented, you may feel overwhelmed trying to answer that question. But if you do have an answer, are you taking “big swings” to make it happen? If so, good for you! What could be the next step in making even more of an impact? It’s also possible that there are many things that are important to you, and the primary thing you feel is overwhelmed. That is completely understandable.
Feeling Overwhelmed?
If you’re feeling overwhelmed, try to select something small and figure out what an initial step could be. For example, let’s say you’re not happy with some of the decisions your city council has made in the past several months. You want to do something, but you don’t know what that would be. For starters you might find out the names of all the council members.
Next you could find out how each one voted on one of the issues you’re concerned about. Then you might send an email to the members you disagree with and another to the ones you do agree with. Alternatively, you can find out when the council meets, go to one of the meetings, and make your voice heard. It’s sometimes surprising how taking one small step and then another and then another emboldens us to take whatever big swing is possible to really make an impact.
Why It Matters
Doing something meaningful is important at any age, and it remains important as we get older. Several factors have been identified as contributing to maintaining health and happiness as we age. These include having a sense of purpose and feeling that one is making a meaningful impact, whether on a large or small scale.
Many of you reading this already are involved in something that is extremely important to you. I invite you to think deeply about what you could do to hit a home run. No matter whatever area you’re involved with! And if that’s really scary, what first small step could you take. And then the next, and then the next, until you’re ready for the big swing when the time is right?
Will you succeed?
Who knows, but here’s what the Dalai Lama has to say about that:
Every noble work is bound to face problems and obstacles. It is important to check your goal and motivation thoroughly. One should be very truthful, honest, and reasonable. One’s action should be good for others, and for oneself as well.
Once a positive goal is chosen, you should decide to pursue it all the way to the end. Even if it is not realized, at least there will be no regret. (The Path to Tranquility, p. 56)
And, I would add, we often don’t know the positive impact we have along the way even if we don’t completely succeed.
I’d love to know your thoughts. Please leave them below.
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