Women Over 55: Stand Up For What You Want

Women Over 55: Stand Up For What You Want

Several years ago I was at my doctor’s office for a gynecological exam. We were almost done, and I realized that she hadn’t done a Pap smear. When I asked about it, she said that it was no longer recommended for women over 65. I asked if women over 65 got cervical or...
Women Over 55: You Are Your Most Important Relationship

Women Over 55: You Are Your Most Important Relationship

The other night I was having a quiet time with a group of women friends. The holiday season brings up memories of childhood for many of us, so some of the discussion had to do with our past and current relationships with members of our family or those who took care of...
Women Over 55: Are Your Biases Showing?

Women Over 55: Are Your Biases Showing?

Recently I came across a term I knew and had forgotten about: confirmation bias. Familiar? Confirmation bias is our tendency to interpret evidence in support of our existing beliefs. It can be really hard to think of examples of this in our own lives unless something...
Women Over 55: Are You in the Right Place?

Women Over 55: Are You in the Right Place?

Not long ago I received a text message from a friend I was meeting for lunch that read “I think I’m here, but I’m not sure I’m in the right place.” I stopped what I was doing and just stared at the text. YES, I thought, I’ve felt that way often! Have you? These...
Women Over 55: Are You A Quitter?

Women Over 55: Are You A Quitter?

When do we learn to quit? I’ve heard people say that it’s really good that we learn to walk when we do because we wouldn’t have the patience later in our lives. Babies learning to walk take a wobbly step and fall down. They get up and take another wobbly step and fall...
Women Over 55: What Are You Holding Onto?

Women Over 55: What Are You Holding Onto?

My good friend, Lynn, and I were talking about the passing of months and how quickly time seems to be going. I said that I really like June because it is like Friday. When she asked me to say more about that, I explained that if June is Friday, that means July is...