by Sara Hart | Feb 7, 2021 | Blog
Does this conversation sound familiar? Two older women get together and one says, “Do you remember Judith Brown? She’s been having so many health issues lately.” And then the speaker proceeds to describe all of poor Judith’s maladies. What...
by Sara Hart | Oct 5, 2020 | Blog
This headline in the June 8th issue of the National Law Review caught my eye: “Older Female Employees Face a Double Whammy During COVID-19 Turmoil.” The author Eric Bachman said, “Between March and April the unemployment rate for women age 55 and over catapulted from...
by Sara Hart | Sep 15, 2020 | Blog
The moment when you are no longer considered a “professional woman” can be a troubling change in your life. What does being a Retired Professional Woman even mean? It is a designation by our society for the day after we stop working outside the...
by Sara Hart | Aug 28, 2020 | Blog
Women Over 55, It’s Time to Toot Your Own Horn. . .Loudly! That is surely not how I was taught, though! How many times growing up were you told “don’t brag,”? Or whatever the words used by the adults in the home where you grew up. I know I was told that over and...
by Sara Hart | Jul 28, 2020 | Blog
You Still Are Your Own Person. When you read that, what is your first reaction? I suspect for many of you it’s a “duh,” or something a bit more challenging, “Of course I’m my own person.” But I’d encourage you to just sit with that a moment and make absolutely sure...
by Sara Hart | Jun 30, 2020 | Blog
How are you making a difference in the world, right now, today? One of the things that we know helps us to stay healthy and happy longer is feeling as if we make a difference. And I would add making a difference that makes a difference to you, not just to someone...
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